- Cornell University, Rome program, spring semester 2024
- La cisterna delle Settesale | Casa dell'Architettura, Roma, Italy |25.07.23-15.09.23|
09.06.2023 lecture | "modostudio: architetture e concorsi" | Ordine Architetti PPC, 4.45pm - Bergamo
- La Cittadella Giudiziaria in mostra | Villa Zingali Tetto, Catania, Italy |28.10.22-28.11.22|
20.11.2022 "Architecture competitions: Transforming ideas into Architecture" | Alasala college of Architecture, 2.00pm - Damman, Saudi Arabia
30.09.2022 "Premio Rigenera | II Edizione" | Sewoonsangga Citywalk project presentation, 3.00pm, Binario 49, Reggio Emilia
30.09.2022 "Corso di formazione coordinatori di concorsi" | Panel discussion - Centro Congressi Giovanni XXIII, 9.00am, Bergamo
"Premio Rigenera" | II Edition, Honourable Mention | "Sewoonsangga re-structuring Citywalk project"
- "Inarch, 20 anni di impegno per l'architettura", pag. 95, Inarch edizioni, Italia
- Aosta Est exhibition | Criptoportico Forense, Aosta, Italy |21.12.19-12.03.20|
- The Sustainable Mobility | 5th Biennale of Public Space, Rome, Italy |30.04-01.06.19|
- ORIGYN: International Space Habitat Architecture Competition, UNI | Design Together
29.11.2019 "modostudio works" | Ostia Autumn school 2019 - V edition, 18.00pm, Ostia Antica, Rome
28.05.2019 "I concorsi di progettazione - procedure a confronto" | Panel discussion - Casa dell'Architettura, May 28th, 2.30pm, Rome
31.05.2019 "Seoul citywalks. Il caso del Sewoonsangga" | Roma Tre - Aula Musmeci, May 31st, 9.00am, Rome
- "Intecs headquarters", Rome Architectural Guide, pag. 55, Dom publishers, ISBN 978-3-86922-660-6, Germany
- "Brick Brick - what do you want to be?", pp 223- 231, Damdi Publishing, ISBN 978-89-6801-084-2, Korea
- "Arcipelago italia", pag.54, Quodlibet edizioni, ISBN: 9788822901767, Italia
- "Padiglione Italia", Domus n. 1025, Italia
- "City within the city", The Architectural Review, pp. 31-33, Issue 1448, February 2018, UK
- "Elisabeth and Helmut Uhl foundation", KIFE catalogue, 2018, pp. 18-19, KIFE, Korea
- Arcipelago Italia | Italian Pavillion, 16th Architecture Biennale, Venice, Italy |26.05-25.11.18|
- Envision Seoul underground exhibition | Seoul Center for Architecture & Urbanism, Donuimun Creative Village |15.05.18-20.06.18|
23.10.2018 "Modostudio - works" | Tulane University, School of Architecture, October 23rd, 7.00pm, Rome Program
- Cornell University, Rome program, spring semester 2018
- Cornell University, Rome program, fall semester 2018
- "Recupero del centro di Sewoon, Seoul", Area, n.154, pag. 173, September 2017, Italia
- "SewoonSangga citywalk", C3 magazine, n.53, pp. 22-27, August 2017, Korea
- "Piazza Repubblica competition", C&A Concorsi ed architettura n. 8, pp. 18-19, CeA Edizioni, Italia
- "Re-structuring Sewoon Sangga", Concept n. 221, pp. 32-37, CA press, Korea
- "Headquarters Intecs Spa", Acciaio Arte Architettura n. 63, pp. 8-15, Auge Editore srl, Italia
- "L'arte dell'acciaio Inox, Uffici Intecs", Inossidabile n. 207, pp. 12, Centro inox servizi srl, Italia
- Invited international exhibition | Korea Institute of Youth facility & Environment, Seoul, Korea |01.11.17-30.11.17|
- Sewoonsangga international invited competition | City Hall, Seoul, Korea |13.06.16-22.06.16|
29.05.2017 "Ten years works" | Kwangwoon University, 4.00pm, Seoul (KR)
- Inarch | national institute of architecture - sustainable design postgraduate master XX
- "Headquarters Intecs", Architetture in acciaio n. 18, pp. 56-60, Delettera WP ed., Italia
- "Intecs headquarters", Rome Architekturführer, pag. 55, Dom publishers, ISBN 978-3-86922-416-9, Germany
- "ENEA A2 research building", PT - Presentation for architecture, Damdi Publishing, ISBN 978-89-6801-049-1, Korea
- "Intecs headquarters", Casaclima n. 1, pp. 6-7, Agenzia casaclima ed., Italia
- "Elisabeth and Helmut Uhl foundation", Alps & Architecture, 8.2016, pp. 76-79, List edizioni, ISBN 978-88-9844-460-9, Italia
- "Intecs headquarters", Arketipo magazine n. 100, pp. 116-121, Tecniche Nuove ed., Italia
- "Serchio River Bridge", New Panel Layout 5-6-7, pp 216- 217, Damdi Publishing, ISBN 978-89-6801-043-9, Korea
- Cornell University, Rome program, fall semester 2016
- Inarch | national institute of architecture - sustainable design postgraduate master XVIII
- Inarch | national institute of architecture - sustainable design postgraduate master XIX
KlimaHaus Awards 2016 | finalist project | "Intecs Spa Headquarters"
- "Un nuovo teatro e parco urbano per la rinascita di L'Aquila", Paesaggio Urbano, 5-6.2015, pp. 18-25, Maggioli Editore, Italia
- "Holztragwerk ohne metallverbindungen", Wir Holzbauer, 11.2015, pag. 4, Holzbaushweiz, Switzerland
- "Fondazione Elisabeth e Helmut Uhl", AR Architetti Roma n. 113, pp.100-105, OAR, Italy
- "Leggero fuori, pesante dentro", RCI progettare, pp. 24-30 n. 08/2015, Ed. Tecniche nuove spa, Italy.
- "Neuer Kurs: zwischen den welten", Alps 2/2015, pp.2-9, February 2015, APART Verlag GmbH, Germany
- "Elisabeth and Helmut Uhl foundation", Progetti n.10, pp.66-75, June 2015, Quid Edizioni, Italy
- "Office building and logistic center", Logistics - Park & Building, pp.82-93, Hi-Design International Publishing, ISBN: 978-7-5611-9818-6, China
- "Intecs Headquarters, Elisabeth and Helmut Uhl foundation", AR Architetti Roma n. 112, pp.114,118, OAR, Italy
- "Twischen tradition und innovation, Uhl stiftung", Holzmagazin 03.2015, pp.20-25, Starmühler Agentur & Verlag, Austria
- "Intecs Headquarters", Small Building II, pp.232-239, Archiworld Publishing, ISBN 978-89-5770-534-6, Korea
- "Intecs Headquarters, Equilibri di forma", IoArch magazine n. 58, pp. 74-76, April 2015, Italy
- "Seaside single house", Mediterranean living, pp. 24-28, Braun Publishing, ISBN 978-3-03768-197-8, Switzerland
- "Elisabeth and Helmut Uhl foundation", legnoarchitettura n.18, pp.24-35, Edicom edizioni, Febbraio 2015, Italy
- "Un moderno maso sostenibile", RCI progettare, pp.74-78, n. 02/2015, Ed. Tecniche nuove spa, Italy
- "Office building and logistic center", Progettare e riqualificare le pareti per l'efficienza energetica, Maggioli Editore, ISBN: 8891605900, Italy
- Interarch 2015 | XIV World Triennal of Architecture, Sofia, Bulgaria |17.05.15-20.05.15|
- Arte e Design | Gallery of Art Temple University, Lungotevere Arnaldo da Brescia 15, Roma, Italy |17.03.15-26.03.15|
- Edifici in Legno dall'Italia e dal Mondo. Il nuovo percorso dell'Architettura | Klimahouse 2015, Bolzano, Italy |29.01.15-01.02.15|
11.06.2015 "Elisabeth and Helmut Uhl foundation building" | RomaTre Faculty of Architecture, 11.00am, Roma (IT)
05.05.2015 "memoria, contesto e innovazione" | Faculty of Architecture, 6.00pm, Pescara (IT)
- IED | European institute of design, fall semester 2014/15
- Inarch | national institute of architecture - sustainable design postgraduate master XVIII
International Prize for Sustainable Architecture 2015 | XI edition, Honourable Mention | "Elisabeth and Helmut Uhl Foundation"
IQU Award 2015 | X edition, 2nd prize | "Piazza d'Armi theater and urban park"
KlimaHaus Awards 2015 | finalist project | "Elisabeth and Helmut Uhl foundation"
- "Pastoral headquarters", A10 #61, pp. , Novt/Dec 2014, NL
- "Materiali di recupero e legno", Il Nuovo Cantiere, pag. 16, Dicembre 2014, Italy
- "Fondazione Elisabeth e Helmut Uhl a Laives, Bolzano", L'Industria delle Costruzioni n. 440, Novembre- Dicembre 2014, Italy
- "Smaterializzazione di volumi, Intecs Headquarters", Progetti n.9, pp.190-198 , Settembre 2014, Quid Edizioni, Italy
- "Maso Buchner verso un nuovo futuro", Klimahaus - Casaclima, pp.36-41, n.4, September 2014, Italy
- "Volumi aperti alla natura in classe A", progetti e concorsi - il sole 24ore, n.33/34, 08-14 September 2014, Italy
- "A clear and compact volume - Intecs Spa headquarters", BEYOND 023, pp.109-113, 04|2014, Tang Art Design Group Limited, China
- "Riuso Mazzoleni - Oltre il riuso", ARK #15, pp.60-69, 2014, Italy
- Riuso Mazzoleni international competition shortlisted entries exhibition | Urban Center, Bergamo, Italy |14.06.14-22.06.14|
- Palazzo Montani Leoni competition shortlisted entries exhibition | Palazzo Montani Leoni, Terni, Italy |11.04.14-19.04.14|
09.02.2013 "Progetto Leonardo e progettazione sostenibile. Esperienze e orientamento" | Auditorium ANCE, Via A. Guattani 16, 15.30am, Roma (IT)
- IED | European institute of design, thesis tutor 2014
- "Museum of Bavarian history, Ediltomarchio commercial park, Intecs spa headquarters", Creative Diagram in Architecture II, pp.22-25, 130-134, 184-187, IfengSpace Publishing, ISBN 978-7553720692, PRC
- "Cultura ed Architettura", IoArch, pp.72-73, Dec 2013, Italy
- "Urban park as a cultural engine, L'Aquila", A10 #54, pp.12-13, Nov/Dec 2013, NL
- "Seaside single house, dialogo senza confini", Acciaio Arte Architettura, pp.06-11, Settembre 2013, IT
- "Museum of Bavarian History, Terni Railway footbridge", Idea Design Evolving architecture, pp. 176-179,222-225, A&C publishing, ISBN: 9788972121442, Korea
- "Museum of Bavarian History", Architecture Culture #389, pp.106-111, A&C publishing, Korea
- "Office building and logistic center", Architecture Highlights 6, pp. 400-407, Shanglin, ISBN: 9789881564825, China
- "Edil Tomarchio commercial park, Office building and logistic center", Top One Architecture, pp.148-49, 289-294, Pace books limited, ISBN: 9789881621450, China
- "Terni Railway footbridge", Architecture Culture #385, pp.126-129, A&C publishing, Korea
- "Office building and logistic center", Offices, pp.126-133, Dom Publishers, ISBN: 9783869222370, Germany
- "Office building and logistic center", Architectural Facade, Hunan Fine Arts Publishing House, ISBN: 9787535659477, China
- "Office building and logistic center", Materials in Architecture, pp. 50-61, Sandu Publishing, ISBN: 9789881635211, China
- The 'Made in Italy' architecture | Emirates Palace, Abu Dhabi, UAE |07.10.13-19.10.13|
- Casaclima network exhibition projects | Caffeina Festival 2013, Piazza Del Plebiscito, Viterbo, Italy |27.06.13-07.07.13|
09.02.2013 "Parco Urbano di Piazza d'Armi" | Auditorium del Parco, 10.30am, L'Aquila (IT)
- IED | European institute of design, fall semester 2012/13
- Cornell University, Rome program, fall semester 2013
- "Future italy, modostudio", A10 #47, pg.48, Sept/Oct 2012, NL
- "Office building and logistic center", Ecological Architecture, pp.26-35, Ifengspace Beijing edition, ISBN: 9789881652706, China
- "A recognizable facade", Panorama: Architecture Newspaper n.4, pp.8-9, August 2012, China
- "Mehr als ein Park", Bauwelt, pp.6-7, 36/12, Germany
- "Parco urbano di Piazza D'Armi", Build Magazine pag.10, 04/2012, Germany
- "office building and logistic center", Le Quattro Stagioni, architetture del made in Italy, pp.147, Electa, ISBN: 9788837093228, Italy
- "Parque Comercial Edil Tomarchio", Future Arquitecturas n.32, pp. 52-53 July 2012, Spain
- "(new) Panel Layout for competition", Damdi Publishing Co., 2012, Korea
- "office building and logistic center", TOP 101 worlds new buildings II, pp.230-239, Jtart Publishing, ISBN: 9787503865350, China
- "Modostudio", Interior + Design, pag.74, May 2012, Russia
- "G&J office building and logistic center", L'Arca, pp.20-12, April 2012, n. 279, Italy
- "modostudio - G&J office building and logistic center", Area, pp.50-59, n. 121, Italy
- "modostudio, cantiere classe A per l'azienda hi-tech a Roma", progetti e concorsi - il sole 24ore, 12-17 March 2012, Italy
- "Office building and logistic center", International New Architecture Magazine n. 8, 2012, China
- "Architecture of LOW Energy Consumption", Ifengspace publishing, pp.150-157, ISBN: 9787214075178, China
- "Conceptual architecture", Hi-design International publishing Ltd, pp.100-108, ISBN: 9787561164945, China
- "GiArch - Progetti di giovani architetti italiani. Vol. III", Utet - scienze tecniche, pp.225-135, ISBN: 9788859807063, Italy
- "Architecture competition works", Ifengspace publishing, ISBN: 9787214072795, China
- Le quattro stagioni, Architettura del Made in Italy | Italian Pavillion, 13th Architecture Biennale, Venice, Italy |29.08.12-25.11.12|
- Progetti di giovani architetti italiani | Porta Venezia - Casello Ovest, Milan, Italy |17-22.04.12|
12.12.2012 "Dialoghi d'autore - Il nuovo all'Aquila" | Faculty of Architecture, Santa Verdiana, 4.00pm, Florence (IT)
13.11.2012 "recent projects" | Pescara Order of Architects, Sala Raffaele Sirica, 6.30pm, Pescara (IT)
13.11.2012 "modostudio" | Faculty of Architecture, 2.30pm, Pescara (IT)
05.11.2012 "modostudio" | Roma 3 Faculty of architecture, ex-Mattatoio di Testaccio, 6.00pm, Rome (IT)
24.09.2012 "modostudio" | Ecoweek 2012 - Casa dell'Architettura - Acquario, 9.30am, Rome (IT)
22.09.2012 "Point Break - modostudio" | Pugliarch 2012, Palazzo dell'Acquedotto, 10.45am, Bari (IT)
16.05.2012 "modostudio" | Ohio State University - Knowlton School of Architecture, Italy Program, 5.00pm, Rome
- "Rome 3.0: international design workshop" - Roma 3 Faculty of architecture, 05-10 November 2012, workshop tutors
- Inarch | national institute of architecture - sustainable design postgraduate master XI
- IED | European institute of design, thesis tutor 2012
- Ecoweek 2012_Rome | Urban FOOTPRINT+Affordable COMMUNITIES+Green DESIGN, 24-29 September, workshop tutors
- "Metodologias sostenibles", Future Arquitecturas n.28 - 29, October 2011, Spain
- "Making faces", Space - architecture + design n. 4, 2011, Singapore
- "1000 x European Architecture", pp.368-375, Braun Publishing AG, ISBN: 9783037680872, Switzerland
- Arch-Manual, Design + Concept + Script + Process 4, pp.368-375, AADCU, ISBN: 9787214070999, China
- Mass innovation,pp.56-64, Maggioli editore, ISBN: 8838760179, Italy
- "Office building and logistic centre", Concept Magazine n. 150, 2011, Korea
- "Nola, uffici di design per il centro logistico", progetti e concorsi - il sole 24ore, 01-06 August 2011, Italy
- "Office building and logistic centre", Archiworld n. 195, 2011, Korea
- Roma creativa annual magazine, pp.18-19, Provincia di Roma, Italy
- inSIDE / outSIDE Office Design , Artpower International Publish Co. Ltd., ISBN: 978-988-18893-8-6, China
13.12.2011 Mass Innovation - modostudio | Frigoriferi Milanesi, 6.30pm, Milan (IT)
06.10.2011 modostudio - projectos | sede de la consejeria de fomento de la junta de Extremadura, 7.30pm, Merida (ES)
07.09.2011 modostudio - architecture talks | MAXXI museum, 8.30pm, Rome
03.06.2011 Elisabeth and Helmut Uhl Foundation and Helmut Uhl Foundation | Deutsches Kulturhaus, 8.00pm, Laives
18.05.2011 "modostudio" | Ohio State University - Knowlton School of Architecture, Italy Program, 4.00pm, Rome
- Inarch | national institute of architecture - sustainable design postgraduate master IX-X
- IED | European institute of design, thesis tutor 2011
- "modostudio", City Vision Mag 01, October 2010, Italy
- New Concept Architecture, pp.286-289:266-269, H.K. Rihan International Culture Co., ISBN: 9789881875853, Hong Kong
- Architecture Zone III, pp.16-17, H.K. Rihan International Culture Co., ISBN: 9789881875884, Hong Kong
- Architectural Diary 11, Braun Publishing, ISBN: 9783037680520, Switzerland
- "Preview - Office building and logistics centre", Details 22, July 2010, Korea
- "Progetto Dast", Progettare 03/10, June 2010, Italy
- Young Blood 09. Italian talents annual magazine, pp.130-131, FM editore, Italy
- "Uhl Foundation, a mixed-use building", A10 #33, May 2010, NL
- NEXT collective housing, A+T density series, ISBN: 9788461386765, Spain
- "Modostudio, oltre i limiti della ricerca", InsideArt, March 2010, Italy
- "perspective - modostudio", C3 magazine n.306, February 2010, Korea
- "Elisabeth and Helmut Uhl Foundation", Home Review, February 2010, India
- "Modostudio, al posto del maso la fondazione", progetti e concorsi - il sole 24ore, 18-23 Gennaio 2010, Italy
23.04.2010 "modostudio - racconti di architettura" | modostudio at Rimini Order of Architects, via D. Campana 64, Rimini
19.09.2010 modostudio at pecha kucha night vol. 3 | 8,30 pm - Circolo degli Artisti, via Casilina Vecchia 42 - Roma
- 27/37 Italian young architects exhibition | Italian Pavillion, Expo 2010 Shanghai, |03-30.09.10|
- Inarch | national institute of architecture - sustainable design postgraduate master
- IED | European institute of design, thesis tutor 2010
27/37 Italian young architects, Winner
- Houses of steel, Images Publishing, ISBN: 9781864703665, Australia
- "Modostudio", AV Proyectos, 031 - 2009, Spain
- "Ex Fonderie Riunite", Monument n.90, Apr/May 2009, Australia
- "Modostudio", B-1 magazine n.19, April 2009, Thailand
- "Ex Fonderie Riunite", Archiworld n.166, 2009, Korea
- "Ex Fonderie Riunite - office building", Mark Magazine n.19, 2009, The Netherlands
- ROMA meno è più, LISt edizioni, ISBN: 9788895623115, Italy
- Ecological Architecture, Verlagshaus Braun, ISBN: 9783037680100, Germany
- "Moderne porte urbane e nuovi quartieri", Ottagono n.218, March 2009, Italy
- "Historisher charme - Ex Fonderie Riunite", Baumeister B3, March 2009, Germany
- Arch-Manual, Design + Concept + Script + Process, AADCU, ISBN: 9787560950198, China
26.03.2009 "Spot on" | modostudio at Faculty of Architecture, Florence
- 27/37 Rassegna internazionale di giovani architetti romani | Sevilla, Spain |21.05.09 - 11.06.09|
- Ex Fonderie Riunite - racconto di un progetto collettivo | Modena, Italy |28.02.09 - 28.03.09|
- IED | European institute of design, fall semester 2009
- Digital Diagram 2, pp.348-356, ArchiWorld, ISBN: 8957701850, Korea
- "Green buildings", Architecture & Design n.7, October 2008, Ukraine
- "Reflections on", Future Arquitecturas n.14, October 2008, Spain
- "Lausanne Jardins 2009 - the bloomed cliff", Traces n.10, June 2008, CH
- "ciudad del medio ambiente", Pasajes Arquitectura y Critica n.96, April 2008, Spain
- "environmental city in Santomera", C3 magazine n.282, February 2008, Korea
- "Start - environmental park, santomera", A10 #19, January 2008, NL
28.10.2008 "ciudad del medio ambiente" | modostudio at Bioecolab, Modena
25.09.2008 "startup" | modostudio at Cornell University, Rome
30.06.2008 Off congress UIA Torino 2008 | modostudio at Pecha Kucha Night
- Rizoma 2008 young architects biennale | Piazza della Stazione, Pontedera |23.05.08 - 30.06.08|
- Cornell University, Rome program, fall semester 2008
- "modostudio - studi emergenti", progetti e concorsi - il sole 24ore n.39, October 2007, Italy
- "modostudio - organic process", C3 magazine n.277, September 2007, Korea
- "modostudio - novas expressoes", Arquitectura e vida n.83, June 2007, Portugal